Sinhala (Sri Lanka)Tamil-Sri Lanka
District Divisional Secretariat GN Division Electorate Area Category Ministry

Financial Progress : LKR
Estimated Cost : LKR
Number of beneficiaries :
Project No Name Description Cateory District Divisional Secretariat Division Location (GN) Divisions Electrol Area Organisation Commencement date Duration
Sources of Funds Estimated Cost
Expected Output Beneficiaries Financial Progress Physical Progress
Unit No of Units Value finished units LKR Number of beneficiaries Number of Villages 1st Quater LKR 2nd Quater LKR 3rd Quater LKR 1st Quater % 2nd Quater % 3rd Quater %
24 Programme of Sambuddha Jayanthi. Distribution of 10 coconut sprouts by selecting 56 temples in Anuradhapura District for celebrating 2600 Sambuddha Jayanthiya. Agriculture, Irrigation & Land Anuradhapura Padaviya, Kebithigollewa, Medawachchiya, Mahavilachchiya, Nuwaragam Palatha Central, Rambewa, Kahatagasdigiliya, Horowpothana, Galenbindunuwewa, Mihinthale, Nuwaragam Palatha East, Nachchadoowa, Nochchiyagama, Rajanganaya, Thambuttegama, Thalawa, Thirappane, Kekirawa, Palugaswewa, Ipalogama, Galnewa, Palagala, Welioya, Ihala Usgollewa, Bandaraulpotha, Medawachchiya, Horowupotana , Anuradhapura East, Anuradhapura West, Kalawewa, Board of coconut cultivation. 2011-06-01 6 Local Fund 1.00 coconut spr 5000 150 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
25 Building a Circuit Bungalow for Board of coconut cultivation. Providing Accommodation facilities for Officers whose involve in the field inspection. Agriculture, Irrigation & Land Anuradhapura Nachchadoowa, Poonewa, Medawachchiya East, Anuradhapura East, Board of coconut cultivation. 2011-10-01 18 Board of coconut cultivation. 15.00 Circuit Bun 1 15 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
26 Clinic Programme for Coconut Cultivation Provide instructions and suitable solution to improve the technical knowledge of coconut cultivators. Cultivation of improved coconut varieties, control diseases and obstacle effect to coconut Cultivation. Provide instructions and technical kno Agriculture, Irrigation & Land Anuradhapura Galenbindunuwewa, Wahamalgollewa, Pandukabayapura, Medawachchiya, Horowupotana , Anuradhapura East, Anuradhapura West, Kalawewa, Mihintale , Kekirawa, Institute of Coconut Research 2011-09-01 4 Institute of Coconut Research 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
27 Training Programme on Coconut Cultivations. Provide the theoretical and practical trainings by conducting one workshop on use of chemical, fertilizers and cultivate diseases effect for coconut cultivation. Agriculture, Irrigation & Land Anuradhapura Kekirawa, Wahalkada D 1, Horawpathana, Medawachchiya, Horowupotana , Anuradhapura East, Anuradhapura West, Kalawewa, Mihintale , Kekirawa, Institute of Coconut Research 0000-00-00 3 Institute of Coconut Research 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
28 Video Programmes with technical information. Formal transplant for coconut cultivation, apply fertilizers for coconut cultivation, the additional crops cultivation and animal husbandry. Agriculture, Irrigation & Land Anuradhapura Kekirawa, 21 Colany East, Hurulunikawewa, Medawachchiya, Horowupotana , Anuradhapura East, Anuradhapura West, Kalawewa, Mihintale , Kekirawa, Institute of Coconut Research 2011-12-01 3 Institute of Coconut Research 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
Total LKR 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00